For instance, she took part in the Trojan War and defeated Ares, the god of war. AthenaĪthena/Athene was the Greek goddess of war, wisdom, courage, strategy, strength, pottery and art.Īthena was one of the most prominent Olympian gods and she is involved in many Greek myths. She was said to be the daughter of Eris, the goddess of strife, who according to some accounts, was herself the daughter Zeus. She was believed to lead men to ruin their lives. AteĪte was the goddess/spirit of mischief, infatuation, delusion and ruin in Greek mythology. The word Astraea means can be interpreted to mean “starry night” or “star-maiden”. Other names associated with hbeing her father and mother are Zeus and Themis. She was the daughter of Titans Astraeus, known as the god of dusk and Eos, known as the goddess of dawn. AstraeaĪstraea/Astrea/Astria was the goddess of justice and innocence in Greek mythology. Also known as the defender of purity and the goddess of chastity, she was believed to protect the purity of her worshippers as well. She did not have any children as she was one of the virgin goddesses in Greek mythology. Her father was Zeus and her mother was Leto.Īlong with Apollo, Artemis was known to be the bringer of disease and sudden death with the two gods targeting men and women, respectively. ArtemisĪrtemis was the goddess of the moon, chastity, hunting and wild life in Greek mythology and the twin sister of the god Apollo. She had many children from her several consorts including Dionysus, Ares, Poseidon, Zeus and Hephaestus. She was the dauıghter of Zeus and Dione although Hesiod claimed her father was Uranus and she was born out of the sea foam ( the word “aphro” means sea foam in Greek language) when Cronus castrated his father Uranus and threw his genitals in to the sea. One of the major deities in Greek mythology, Aphrodite was the goddess of beauty, love, procreation, pleasure and passion. She was exclusively worshipped in a temple built in her name on the island of Aegina by Cretans and Aeginetans. She was known to be made a goddess by her close friend Artemis. AphaeaĪphaea/Aphaia was a Greek goddess of ancient times who was also identified with the nymph Britomartis. Apateįathered by the personification of darkness, Erebos, and mothered by the primordial goddess and personification of night, Nyx, Apate was the goddess/spirit/demon of deceit, guile and trickery in Greek mythology.

AntheiaĪntheia/Anthea was the Greek goddess of flowers and gardens and one of the Charites/Graces in Greek mythology. She is considered to be the same figure as the early sea goddess Thalassa. Poseiodon’s wife, Amphitrite was the goddess and the queen of the sea and fish and the oldest one among the fifty daughters of Nereus also known as Nereies. Fathered by Helios and mothred by Rhodos, she was worshipped in Rhodes Island mostly.Īccording to the myth, she was in love with Apollo and died as a virgin being killed by Hades, the god of the underworld, during Trojan War. AlectronaĪlectrona/Electryone/Electryo was the goddess of sun in Greek mythology. Known as a moon goddesss just like Achelois, Alcyone was also the goddess of sea and tranquility. AlcyoneĪlcyone was one of the seven daughters of Titan Atlas and the ocean nymph Pleione also known as Pleaiades sisters. Greek poet Tzetses claimed Achelois was one of the seven muses who inspired art, science and literature. On an interesting side note, the word “achelois” is also considered by some to be the surname of the Sirens, fathered by the river god Achelous. Her name means “she who washes away pain”. She was a moon goddess worshipped by Greeks for her help in curing diseases. Achelois was one of the minor Greek goddesses of the ancient times.